Knuthenborg Safari Park: Congo Splash
The owners at Knuthenborg Safari Park operated a traditional safari park attraction but wanted to refresh the park with something new to draw in a wider audience. The vision was to create a hybrid park offering a range of attractions.
Hello! were the main consultants and over two years helped Knuthenborg plan and develop the concept of what they wanted to achieve – and what an achievement! Opening in May 2014, Knuthenborg Safari Park can now boast to having Europe’s steepest and Denmark’s longest and tallest flume ride. Congo Splash is 400 meters long, 16 meters tall and have a capacity of 550 per hour. It is designed to blend naturally into the forest setting, and is almost invisible from a distance. Positioned near an African themed playground the ride was designed with African patterns and colours. As well as acting as the main consultants, Hello! designed the attraction and acted as a production supervisor and Project Manager. Hello! assisted with the commissioning of the ride and helped with to identify the range of suppliers providing the owners with a complete service. |